Thursday, July 9, 2009

No. You're not that hot.

I promised two blogs this week and I will deliver. Now I preface this by letting you know that the words expressed by the blogger are not necessarily those of the person. These are merely observations set into words in a manner to get people interested. Don't come screaming to me because your feelings are hurt. Read the first blog to explain that you also don't have to read, but I know it's like adult store. You don't want people to know you go but you can't stay away.

So in the course of a week I communicate with all types of people. People of different races, body types and ages. There are various countries represented and a broad range of ages and socioeconomic classes. However there is one universal truth people often lie to themselves. I looked in the mirror the other day and realized that as much as I had worked hard in the gym the day before I'm fat. My stomach protrudes and I don't have so much as a 2 pack, nevermind a 6er.

Now, I know this about myself. I go to the gym and work on my fitness to fix this. In the meantime I try to make up for it by being charming, entertaining, funny, etc. All to add to the personality factor. I make sure my grooming is up and I keep my clothes in order relatively well. I realize flaws and until I eliminate that flaw I do things to distract people from it. What I don't understand is people who don't realize these things.

I know people who by any standard are big people. They pretend like they aren't. They'll even talk about how they are getting big. No, you are big. There's no such thing as being big boned. If that was the case next time I get a steak I want a small boned cow so that I can get extra meat(that's the fat man talking). Just because someone may be bigger than you, doesn't have any impact on the fact that you're big. Now you can take two paths. I have a cousin, who recognizes that she is a big woman and she makes herself a diva. Men are attracted to her and she embraces this aspect of herself. I do worry about her overall health in the long run but I don't question her confidence or her self awareness. The other path is to realize it and fix it. I have an acquaintance who realized her problem, worked out as best she could and when she stopped getting results regardless of her efforts she sought out medical options. I don't support surgery as a replacement for fitness but I do support it to augment your personal efforts.

Please don't think this is limited to people being big. Hell to the Nizzaw. We can take this into a more intimate area. The bedroom (or whichever room you like), is an area where people lie lie lie to themselves. I've heard people talk about how they're the best at this and that. If their partner doesn't respond it's never their fault, it's their partners fault. There is no such thing as the universal best. Everybody likes something different and it's your job to figure out what your partner likes. Maybe you suck to the person you're with right now and he/she likes something else. Learn what he/she likes and start doing that. Ask questions, because as of right now, the word on the street is that you are flat out terrible.

I know people who whenever I talk to them I hear about how this guy wants them and they got hit on today. I do realize it's possible but it's also possible that he was looking at the girl next to you. I know there have been times when I've caught myself staring at someone because they really needed a dentist(nice teeth go a long way with me). You telling me who wants you doesn't convince me. In fact it just makes me roll my eyes. I like my eyes where they are, so please stop making me roll them.

I do have a friend with an interesting philosophy that goes along with my blog. I find it funny but remember this is not my idea, regardless of whether I may agree nor disagree. If you are with someone who you know outranks you, you need to compensate. By outranks he means, is basically considered an overall better catch than you. You know that he/she could do much better than you but you probably couldn't do better than them. By compensate he means you should either be very open minded, maybe find a side boyfriend for your girl so that she doesn't cheat with way better looking men. Maybe you can buy him sneakers every day or basically pay for everything. You can be extremely accomodating. Where I draw the line is that in no way should you sacrifice your own self worth. Don't put yourself in the way of harm because of someone else. Don't allow yourself to be flat out disrespected but yes you should be willing to do damn near anything because you know where you really stand.

Think about the last time you walked down the street and saw some ass ugly guy with an insanely hot girl. You thought to yourself "either he is a rock star in bed, or he's rich". You know you do because I think that every time I see an attractive woman with any man who isn't me. He has to make up for it somehow.

People often get upset with me because they ask me a question and I give the honest answer. I may not volunteer this truth but if asked I'll give it. My family is an honest one and we are breed to have thick skin. If you care about someone enough you should care enough to be able to tell them the truth when asked.

What would you rather have as a friend? The friend who supports everything and tells you how great you are even as you're jumping off of the building or the friend who tells you honestly how bad a decision you're making and pulls you off of the ledge. I know which one I am.

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